USA Gymnastics Connecticut | Parents Newsletter


The school year of classes begins on the Tuesday after Labor Day and runs until the first weekend in June. Since we have students from many different school systems, we don’t follow any one of their schedules. Instead we have our own. Take one of our calendars and put it in an obvious place so that you can consult it rather than showing up at the gym and finding out that we were on vacation. We close for Labor Day and Memorial Day weekends. Aside from that we are open for all of the rest of the three-day weekends. In case of snow, we again do not follow any school system. Call us (860) 945-6970 and listen to the message. If we cancel a class due to weather, then we will hold a make up class during our winter or spring vacation. These are the only make-ups that we hold. There are no make-ups due to individually missed classes.


Be considerate of the other students, their families and the teachers by arriving no more than 5 minutes before the start of your class (the teachers need a few minutes before each class to regain their sanity).

Everyone must remain in the waiting room until one of the instructors tells the students to come in and sit down. No one is ever allowed on any equipment before or after class. So please don’t ask your children to show you something.

Be prompt in picking up your children. For their safety, students must remain inside the building until their ride picks them up. No one waits outside the building. The flower planter is not a balance beam. Please keep everyone off of it.


  • Gum and candy should be left on some other planet not on our floor or carpet.
  • Small stud earrings are OK. Any large or dangling earrings or hoops are not safe and should not be worn at the gym.
  • No necklaces, watches, bracelets or rings allowed. HINT: Take off jewelry at home or in the car. If you take it off here, you’re going to forget it.
  • Hair must be tied back out of the face.


Bare feet
T-shirt and shorts or sweat pants


Bare feet
Leotard or T-shirt and shorts or sweat pants


There is a lost and found box for clothes in the waiting room. Ask at the office for lost jewelry that you weren’t suppose to wear here and we told you that you would forget…..Gotcha!


Choice #1: You may make 1 payment now for the entire school year.
Choice #2: You may make 2 half year payments, September and January.
Anything else must be arranged through the office.


There will be a parents observation class in January and in June. Aside from that you can peek through the windows. Don’t walk into the gym and stand against the wall near the office. Please stay in the waiting area. HINT: Most children get distracted easily so don’t peek too much.